If you hear that you need a dental crown or filling, there’s no need to panic—these are some of the most common treatments that we provide patients. They allow us to repair dental damage caused by cavities and trauma as well as preserve the natural structure of your smile. Additionally, we utilize only the most durable and safest materials when crafting our restorations, like composite resin, zirconia, porcelain, and Emax. Call our team today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our restorative dental services.
Dental Crowns
Crowns offer reliable protection for teeth that have been treated in the past, like for those that have undergone root canal therapy, or have been extensively damaged. They’re small, cap-like structures that are designed to fit atop the natural tooth, allowing it to function like a piece of armor that seals out harmful bacteria and helps minimize dental sensitivity. They can be crafted from a variety of different materials, but our team utilizes natural-looking ones that can make your crown flawlessly integrate with your existing teeth.
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Tooth-Colored Fillings
Cavities are one of the most common dental problems in the entire world. In fact, most people have had at least one cavity at some point in their life! When decay erodes the enamel of a tooth, our team can seal it off and stop the damage from expanding with a tooth-colored filling. This biocompatible treatment utilizes composite resin to fill and seal the tooth, as it has the ability to naturally fuse with the enamel to create a tight seal.
Full Mouth Reconstruction
If you have multiple missing or damaged teeth that need to be restored, a full mouth reconstruction in Fort Smith may be the best treatment option for you. Dr. Sharp will work with you to personalize a treatment plan based on your needs, budget, and ideal timeline. Your treatment plan will include two or more of our services to both restore the functionality and health of your entire mouth.